9:00am -Sunday School
10:00am- Worship Service

The Disciples of Christ, also known as the Christian Church has no creed and gives its congregations complete autonomy in their doctrine. As a result, beliefs vary widely from individual church to church, and even among members of a church.
Open communion where all Christians are welcome, was one of the reasons for the founding of the Christian Church. In the Lord's Supper, "the living Christ is met and received in the sharing of the bread and the cup, representative of the body and blood of Jesus."
Our Community
The Disciples of Christ, also known as the Christian Church has no creed and gives its congregations complete autonomy in their doctrine. As a result, beliefs vary widely from individual church to church, and even among members of a church.
Open communion where all Christians are welcome, was one of the reasons for the founding of the Christian Church. In the Lord's Supper, "the living Christ is met and received in the sharing of the bread and the cup, representative of the body and blood of Jesus."
Our Community
About Us
Worship is vital to the heart of First Christian Church. We actively seek to engage all the senses as we worship our Creator. We employ a variety of music styles, utilizing the best of our tradition as well as the creativity of the present.
Communion, or The Lord's Supper, is celebrated each Sunday. All who are seeking to follow Jesus Christ are welcome at the Table.
Please join us each week, as we seek to follow God through Jesus Christ and be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.

What We Believe
Disciples for Men & Women
We offer community!
See below for information regarding our monthly fellowship gatherings for men and women.

Our Men's group meets on the
1st Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm
in our Fellowship Hall.
They meet for a meal followed by a devotional and special project. It's a great time for fellowship and building relationships.

Our women's group meets on the
4th Thursday of the month at 11:30am
in our Fellowship Hall.
They meet for lunch followed by a devotional and a special project. It's a great time for fellowship and building relationships.